Hey its 2007! Another year has gone by and a new one has come to look forward to. "Partying" has become a synonymous term with the coming of New Years. People start making plans from a while ago as to what they will do on the thirty first of December-New Year's eve. Amongst all the chaos caused by the joy and celebration which the New Year usually brings I thought to myself what different am I going to do this year? Nothing came to my mind as I know that making resolutions like previous years was of no use as the next day they would be forgotten. Its all a farce actually to make resolutions as many if not all people do not follow what they have thought they would in the beginning of the year. On asking some of my friends about their resolutions I got such answers like "ill try and become a better person" and all that. People are making resolutions just for the heck of it just because every one's making them.
Anyways that's not the point, the point is what are your resolutions and are you going to fulfill them or just forget them the next day itself? I don't want to make any right now as I know from past experience that I'll forget them as fast as I made them. Tell me yours even if its just made for fun!

to be less negative than usual. u know how pessimistic i can be!
Yes thats a good thing Tanvi, you should be more positive!!
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