Wednesday, January 03, 2007

How to Study!?

Five days left and I'm sitting here writing this post! Am I confident or just plain stupid? I guess I'm none, but just one of the many people who cannot sit and study for long hours at a stretch until the day before the exam (weekend in some cases). I hate studying for them, but well, do I have a choice? Anyways, as I can't get myself to sit and study and always wander off after barely sitting for ten to fifteen minutes on my study table, I have decided that I need to change my approach to studying and adopt a new strategy or something. I have a few ideas I came up with but cannot say if they'll work or not. They are:-
  1. To study for an hour and take a break of ten to fifteen minutes(not the opposite which I presently do!!)
  2. To make a table as to what to I need to complete in my exam portion(which is a lot at the moment) and to go about in that manner.
  3. To do each subject for a minimum of an hour everyday!(this option's out as one hour is barely enough to do one chapter in most subjects and the portion is very vast!)
  4. The last idea which I thought of was to concentrate mainly on the weak subjects and not as much on the other ones.

Before implementing any of these ideas I need to try and keep myself away from various distractions such as my laptop, the telephone and the latest addition to the list "Facebook"! I don't know if I'll be able to take such stern measures and sit down and study seriously but really no time is left for these examinations which are as important if not more than the Board examinations. Don't worry this post is not intended to scare anybody but just to get to know the various techniques people use to study. What do you people do? Tell me if your not as lost as me!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, I'll suggest u another distraction. Start using orkut!
best of luck!