"That's what happened in the party!!? NO WAY!!"
"Man he is SO hot!!(giggles)"

Don't worry I've not lost my mind yet!! These are just some of the many things that come under the category of Gossip. I'm sure you people must have found it weird reading it at the beginning of the post! We talk about it, take pleasure out of it and best of all if it's our friend who is in the picture then the unmeasurable fun and pleasure is got out of it!
This term was for sometime back associated with women only, whom everyone knew spoke a lot about anything and everything. But strangely of late, men have also become a prey to what I would like to call a disease. Yes, a disease and that too a contagious one! Nowadays everyone gossips and they take a lot of interest in it. Well, its not right to say everybody but there are those "unfortunate/fortunate" few people who are excluded from this category. They are either introverts or just too mature for all these things!
I must confess that I too take interest in all this but up to a certain extent. Its all in good fun though. Anyways, one thing should be kept in mind which is generally forgotten, that all fun has its limits and we should not extend this to the point where others get hurt or their reputation gets tarnished. Some people don't keep this in mind and that's when the problem starts. The gossip becomes converted into what is generally known as a Rumour. This is also another kind of disease if you ask me. It is created when a small little piece of news or some information about somebody or some body's life's affairs is flaunted to another level making it seem bigger than it actually is. People get the wrong impression when in reality there's nothing near to what they've heard is going on and even rarely if there is a connection, these rumours give a different perspective to the topic all together!
There are various reasons for these rumours in my opinion. They are-
- To get someone to others' notice or to make him/her more popular.
- To get the name of a person you hate/are jealous of down, for your own personal reasons.
- Just to see the reaction of people when a rumour is created about somebody, and to get fun out of that.
- To get back at someone for a rumour he/she created about you.
- To link your name with someone who is popular in hope of getting popular too.(Unbelievable but true!)
- Last but not the least, to get another thing to gossip about.(i.e. the rumour itself!)
Basically, even though these might seem a lot of fun and stuff but in the end only those that have been involved in such rumours know what all they have gone through to convince people that all the stories going around are JUST rumours!!
well i completely agree wit u hve written...but id just like to add tht... its a not a bad feeling when u r talked about(in a good way)...by a rumour not even conjured by urself!!but its equally bad when pople talk crap about u also!!
look whos talking
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