Saturday, June 16, 2007

Departing times!!

The time has come. We have to accept it whether we like it or not. The time of departure has arrived even before the realization that friends can also leave could sink in. This post in the next part if I can say to my earlier post titled "Realization". The value of friends can never really be known unless they leave you and an emptiness surrounds your world. The ones that you have literally spent your growing up years with our now no more. This doesn't mean that they are not there for you but just it's the fact that they wont physically be present when u need them to be.

The thought that they won't always be there during your troubled times is just really hard to digest. Then as I've always believed that there is always a good or positive side to everything I can also say that once college starts this feeling might reduce if not completely die out as new friends will be made and the whole new experience of a different environment will keep these thoughts away and hence one would not feel that bad about the whole situation. This might sound monotonous to many but this is what is happening around me right now so I choose to talk about this. Many others might also be undergoing the same feelings what I am going through and hence can understand this post very easily and hence not much explaining is needed.

So this is what I feel about this whole scenario as an integral part of my life is being changed. The time has come to make new friends. The thing I'm most concerned about is will the same contact and personal touch remain between the "friends" or will everything just breakaway. That is for me to see and time will answer this question.


Unknown said...

i knw ur missing me nawaz:P:P...

Anonymous said...

Wow... it's actually time.
The thought that all of us would one day go our seperate ways had been pushed to the back of all of our minds cause we knew it wasn't gonna happen soon.
But it's happening. It's happening so fast I don't have time to let it sink in... It's not easy to enjoy moments when youre trying so hard to remember everything that's happening, every moment with your friends, every detail, the clothes, the venue, the topic of discussion, just so you have solid memories to think of when youre away...
It's such a freaking scary thought...
I thought of this last year when some of my friends from school left...
I have a phobia for loneliness.. and I realised that everytime a friend leaves, it feels like death. For me, memories aren't enough. I need something solid. Something I can touch, smell, listen to or see that will then trigger memories.. details and every single thing abt savoured moments. So I made a book last year- A memory book. It's got drawings, doodles, notes, letters, and more recently gift wrapping paper from my birthday, decorations, cards, about everything that I wanted to remember... I think that really helps me when I miss my friends who've already left :)
try making one, it's nice to look back on things :) something permanent you knw? :)
Take care man, im gnna miss you my posing buddy!! :)

Nawaz said...

Yes Tanvi youre absolutely right about the lonliness part. It can be scary at times. But then we can't always get what we want and hence this is a part of life which has to take place.

Some good thoughts Tanvi. I also will miss you alot. Take care, best of luck and have fun where ever you go!! :)

And as for you Akki unfortunately I do miss you :P