Yeah so I'm back after a long gap I took from blogging for no apparent reason. Anyway without wasting much time let us directly discuss and talk about the main reason which inspired me to write this "comeback post" as I would like to call it.
It is not the end of board examinations or even the results that are the reason I'm back but it is more of a realization that has dragged me back into this. The realization of friends departing, of newer ones being made, of new experiences that await us in the future, the idea of entering into a world which will not be as comfortable and supportive as the school years have proved to be.
These thoughts were always on the back of my mind but never really did they come out till now. They might be thoughts that may bring sadness or fear, or even thoughts that could bring excitement to oneself. Whatever emotion they bring there is only one fact, that they are there in reality. We cannot hide away from these truths. We cannot say that our friends will not be going their separate ways and will always be together or say that we will always be nurtured in the future in the same manner as we have been while we were at school. The time of being realistic has come and it cannot be avoided.
For me the idea of friends separating is far more distressing than many other things that might be more of an issue to others. The idea that the very people whom you have been with for a major part of life will be going away is unthinkable to say the least. But one's have to be strong and know that everyone has to carry on with their lives and that this is all part of a journey which everyone undertakes. With this thought many fears come along to. The friendship may carry on but the personal touch which was there previously might go away due to the physical distance involved. There might also be lack of touch which was previously maintained as people would get involved with the hard work that goes into earning a degree/diploma. People would get more career focused and might also forget that they also made friends in school. The last point is not a one which is usual and hence is not really a fear.
As there are always two ways of looking at every situation I will not talk only about the problems that come with these realizations. There are also good points to it. The main fact that there is something different and exciting to look forward to at university is a vital example. Another good thing about these realizations is that you get mentally prepared for the challenges that come your way. The lack of your friends being there gets covered up by the arrival of new ones. Even the nervousness which one might have about college life gets reduced to a great extent when one has a mindset of looking forward to the place. Like these few examples the realization which comes after school has both bad points and good points to it in a way that the bad points are the fears involved with it while the good points bring the excitement to it.
In today's world it is very easy to lose touch while it is also very easy to keep in touch with one another. The world is becoming very competitive and everywhere competition is increasing and hence the demand to do well and be the best is very high. Due to this people get really caught up in their own lives that they rarely have time for their friends they made during their school days. Now despite all this if a person wants to keep in touch he can easily do so as the technology has increased a lot from yesteryear's. E-mail, community sites,blogs and so on help people to keep in touch with each other and hence not much effort is required. Having said all this I wonder what effect will all this have on me in times to come. Will I be strong and have faith in my friends, or will I just shatter under the lack of support which I previously got from them? Everybody has had these realizations sometime or the other or will soon have if they have not already.
How do you see yourself reacting to all this and is there a final answer as to how one can feel about the various realizations he makes after school?